Austerservik (Pleurotus ostreatus)
Austerservik - Pleurotus ostreatus.
Kuiv seenemütseel. Toiteväärtuselt on servik lähedane kivipuravikule ja ei jää alla sellele liidrile. Viljakehades sisaldub kuni 35% valku, täiskomplekt asendamatuid aminohappeid, vitamiine ja fermente, mis soodustavad toidu paremat omastamist. Peale selle, see seen ise oma olemuselt on kaitstud kahjulike ainete kuhjumise eest, ei sisalda raskmetallisooli, kuid on ka võimeline neid inimorganismist välja viima, proteiini suur sisaldus (kuni 47,7%) aga soodustab paljude haiguste ennetamist ja immuunsuse suurenemist. Seeni servikuid võib varuks panna soolamise, marineerimise, seenepulbri valmistamise teel.
Substraadina mütseeli jaoks kasutada kvaliteedilt häid (parem nisu-) õlgi hallituse ja laikudeta. Õled lõigata 2-3 cm pikkusteks tükikesteks, steriliseerida kuuma vee või auruga (+90 kraadi) 60 minuti jooksul. Ööpäeva möödudes korrata steriliseerimist. Pärast jahutamist segada niisked õled mütseeliga ja toppida polüetüleenkottidesse, mis hoida kinnistena kuni substraat kinni kasvab, et mitte rikkuda steriilsustingimusi. Kuni valge, magusasti lõhnava hallituse ilmumise momendini hoida temperatuuri +25-28 kraadisena ja õhuniiskust mitte alla 60-80%. Kui substraat on täielikult valge hallitusega kaetud - algab viljakandeperiood. Pakend viia otseste päikesekiirte, tuule eest kaitstud valgusküllasesse kohta ja tagada õhu hea juurdepääs (teha avad või avada 1/3 pakendist). On vaja hoida substraat niiskena ja 15-20 päeva pärast hakkab ilmuma esimene seenelaine. 2-3 nädala möödudes tuleb teine laine.
Veshenka Ordinary is a rather large eatable mushroom. Its cap is 5-15 cm in the diameter, smooth, naked, when growing in damp conditions frequently has white mycelium bloom, it is wrong - round, dark - brown, dark - grey, bluish - black, grey, brown, sometimes with a grey or violet shade. Gimenofor is lamelate going down. The plates are white or whitish more or less closely packed. Stem is tough, it is usually 2-4 cm long and up to three cm in the diameter, cylindrical, lateral or eccentric, from white up to grayish, smoth or fibrous and sometimes without it. Pule is white, juicy, with age fibrous with a smell of dampening flour. The mushroom forms unions up to 30 colonies. It spawn has growth and high speed of decomposition of vegetative substratum that promotes to utilisate industrial waste. For various phases of life cycle of Veshenka Ordinary various optimum temperature is necessary, for growth mycelium +25 - +28; for formation and growth of the mushroom s bodies so-called "wnter stamms" - +12 - +14 C; summer stamms - +18 - +20 C is necessary. At temperature above +35 C and below +50 the growth of mycelium stops. The mushroom is related to light-demanding kinds, requires a plently of air, especially in the time of fruiting, and high relativ humidity of it (80%). The optimum meaning of pH of substratum for growth and development Veshenka Ordinary is 5,5 - 6,5. Having the ability to destroy during growth and development the lignono-cellulose complex, Veshenka Ordinary gives high crops on wood and other vegetative substratum, frequently being inustrial and agricultural wastes. On volume of industrial manufacturing the mushrooms of a sort of Veshenka occupy the second place in Europe after field mushroom The advantages of cultivating process of Veshenka in a comparison with a champignon consist of the following: Possibility of using as an organic substratum industrial and agricultural cellulose- and lignine- substance wates. More short production cycle (9-10 weeks). Relative simplicity of preparation of an organic substratum. Lower level lumpsum and working costs. The use in technology the equipment, which issues serially by a domestic industry. Absence of gas ejections and liquid wastes of production polluting an environment. Full waste utilization of mushroom production with use them as the valuable fodder component in animal industries (from the sanction of a veterinary service), for production Biogumus, as an effective biological method of a guard of soil, and also as fertilizer. Veshenka Ordinary is cultivated on extensive or heavily technology. The extensive technology is subdivided on plantationive, tranchif and trunkive method mushroom s cultivating. The extensive technology provides cultivation of mushrooms on an open air with the minimum costs and does not demand any of the special equipment and competent experts. The heavily technology provides use specially prepared locations, source of steam and special equipment. The efficiency of heavily technology in 5-6 times above than extensive, but demands high qualification of the workers.
Kuiv seenemütseel. Toiteväärtuselt on servik lähedane kivipuravikule ja ei jää alla sellele liidrile. Viljakehades sisaldub kuni 35% valku, täiskomplekt asendamatuid aminohappeid, vitamiine ja fermente, mis soodustavad toidu paremat omastamist. Peale selle, see seen ise oma olemuselt on kaitstud kahjulike ainete kuhjumise eest, ei sisalda raskmetallisooli, kuid on ka võimeline neid inimorganismist välja viima, proteiini suur sisaldus (kuni 47,7%) aga soodustab paljude haiguste ennetamist ja immuunsuse suurenemist. Seeni servikuid võib varuks panna soolamise, marineerimise, seenepulbri valmistamise teel.
Substraadina mütseeli jaoks kasutada kvaliteedilt häid (parem nisu-) õlgi hallituse ja laikudeta. Õled lõigata 2-3 cm pikkusteks tükikesteks, steriliseerida kuuma vee või auruga (+90 kraadi) 60 minuti jooksul. Ööpäeva möödudes korrata steriliseerimist. Pärast jahutamist segada niisked õled mütseeliga ja toppida polüetüleenkottidesse, mis hoida kinnistena kuni substraat kinni kasvab, et mitte rikkuda steriilsustingimusi. Kuni valge, magusasti lõhnava hallituse ilmumise momendini hoida temperatuuri +25-28 kraadisena ja õhuniiskust mitte alla 60-80%. Kui substraat on täielikult valge hallitusega kaetud - algab viljakandeperiood. Pakend viia otseste päikesekiirte, tuule eest kaitstud valgusküllasesse kohta ja tagada õhu hea juurdepääs (teha avad või avada 1/3 pakendist). On vaja hoida substraat niiskena ja 15-20 päeva pärast hakkab ilmuma esimene seenelaine. 2-3 nädala möödudes tuleb teine laine.
Veshenka Ordinary is a rather large eatable mushroom. Its cap is 5-15 cm in the diameter, smooth, naked, when growing in damp conditions frequently has white mycelium bloom, it is wrong - round, dark - brown, dark - grey, bluish - black, grey, brown, sometimes with a grey or violet shade. Gimenofor is lamelate going down. The plates are white or whitish more or less closely packed. Stem is tough, it is usually 2-4 cm long and up to three cm in the diameter, cylindrical, lateral or eccentric, from white up to grayish, smoth or fibrous and sometimes without it. Pule is white, juicy, with age fibrous with a smell of dampening flour. The mushroom forms unions up to 30 colonies. It spawn has growth and high speed of decomposition of vegetative substratum that promotes to utilisate industrial waste. For various phases of life cycle of Veshenka Ordinary various optimum temperature is necessary, for growth mycelium +25 - +28; for formation and growth of the mushroom s bodies so-called "wnter stamms" - +12 - +14 C; summer stamms - +18 - +20 C is necessary. At temperature above +35 C and below +50 the growth of mycelium stops. The mushroom is related to light-demanding kinds, requires a plently of air, especially in the time of fruiting, and high relativ humidity of it (80%). The optimum meaning of pH of substratum for growth and development Veshenka Ordinary is 5,5 - 6,5. Having the ability to destroy during growth and development the lignono-cellulose complex, Veshenka Ordinary gives high crops on wood and other vegetative substratum, frequently being inustrial and agricultural wastes. On volume of industrial manufacturing the mushrooms of a sort of Veshenka occupy the second place in Europe after field mushroom The advantages of cultivating process of Veshenka in a comparison with a champignon consist of the following: Possibility of using as an organic substratum industrial and agricultural cellulose- and lignine- substance wates. More short production cycle (9-10 weeks). Relative simplicity of preparation of an organic substratum. Lower level lumpsum and working costs. The use in technology the equipment, which issues serially by a domestic industry. Absence of gas ejections and liquid wastes of production polluting an environment. Full waste utilization of mushroom production with use them as the valuable fodder component in animal industries (from the sanction of a veterinary service), for production Biogumus, as an effective biological method of a guard of soil, and also as fertilizer. Veshenka Ordinary is cultivated on extensive or heavily technology. The extensive technology is subdivided on plantationive, tranchif and trunkive method mushroom s cultivating. The extensive technology provides cultivation of mushrooms on an open air with the minimum costs and does not demand any of the special equipment and competent experts. The heavily technology provides use specially prepared locations, source of steam and special equipment. The efficiency of heavily technology in 5-6 times above than extensive, but demands high qualification of the workers.
Eng.: Oyster mushroom, Edible mushroom. Suom.: Osterivinokas. Sven.: Ostronmussling (mycel).